This is Lucy. She is three years old.
Lucy's parents laid her to rest today.
My heart hurts so much for her parents. Lucy slipped away from the ever watchful eyes of her aunt, mom, and grandmother and was found moments later at the bottom of a hot tub. She passed away 3 days later.
What a horrible tragedy. However, the strength of this family, their faith in a loving Heavenly Father, their gratefulness for tender mercies, and their knowledge of the Lord's Plan of Happiness is remarkable. The are truly inspiring.
At her funeral today, the room was filled with beautiful pictures of Lucy and her family, pink flowers, family and friends, and a small pink casket with a cherubic little girl holding one small pink rose and cuddled by a pink teddy bear. Clad in white, hair in pig tails, Lucy looked beautifully perfect. She is home now--home with her Savior, free from the pain of this world. I am sad. Sad for her parents and family, sad for the pain the feel, and sad that they will be separated for a time. I am happy. Happy that through the Atonement of the Savior, the gospel, and temple ordinances, their family can be together forever! Sleep well, little Lucy--your family will be together forever.