I freely admit that I am not the perfect mother, but really? I cannot believe the lack of parental discipline I see
DAILY! I work in a public place, a Museum to be exact. Can you believe people let their kids
RUN through the Museum,
SCREAM at each other and their parents,
WALK all over the upholstered benches? Honestly I see this
ALL the time and it makes me crazy. Yesterday, however, totally shocked me. I was in the ladies' room safely tucked into a stall, when a little girl got on the floor and looked under my stall---about 3 times! (Her Mom was busy in her own stall.) Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt (that this little girl simply didn't know any better), as I left the stall and continued to the sink, I kindly said to the little girl, "You're not suppose to look under the stalls at other people, it's not polite". So, if you were that girl's mom still in your own stall, what would you do? Well, she did exactly what I see everyday....
absolutely NOTHING!Parents of today, you do your children
NO favors by not disciplining them!
Children need to be taught, and then they need to be taught consequences and consistency. I know it's hard, I know sometimes it feels like a battle--but you can either fight that battle when they are young, or when they are teenagers--you choose. Don't even get me started on the way children are allowed to talk to their parents!
The lack of parental discipline that I see daily,
Feel strongly about this
do I?
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