Spinning, spinning, spinning.....
There is just too much on my mind today. My brain is convoluted and feels like my thoughts are spinning around and around. In no particular order, I am attempting to give voice to my thoughts so my brain does not make me dizzy anymore.
1. Anyone have a milestone for the father of a very talented group of siblings that happen to play the piano?
2. What is a milestone?
3. M's shoulder is healing much faster this time. I'm so glad--football is coming!
4. I love being a gramma. "Mammie" is the best name ever, and baby E is wonderful!
5. My kids are down-right AMAZING! I cannot believe the great choices they have made in their lives--in spite of my shortcomings!

Lyndsie doing the 'Little House on the Prarie" run down the hill!
7. Fix the dishwasher or buy a new one?
8. Water heater...hmm, what to do...
9. Would really like to lose 15 lbs, but I really LOVE to eat.
10. I HATE dog hair but LOVE my dogs...conundrum?
11. Should be caught up at work within 1 week!
Sweet baby eyes!
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