Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Welcome, Addison!

My wonderful daughter, AnnDee blessed us with my first granddaughter on October 18th!

Addison Ann weighed 7 pounds and was 20 inches long.

Look closely, she has blonde highlights in that beautiful hair!

Grammy loves this little angel!

Addie is so very stylish! (Thanks, CaDee!)

Simply said, Grandkids are the very BEST!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Football--My Favorite!

Aw football, my long lost friend. You come around at the end of every summer and never stay long enough. You are the only good thing about fall as I desperately miss the warm summer sun. Ok, I do enjoy the fall colors as well.

Here are some snapshots of my favorite football player, Micah #16!

Playing Quarterback

Micah and his youngest fan!

Team Captains

Lyndsie and Eli cheer on Micah!

The entire family gets in on the action!

Micah #16 playing safety, and his buddies Jared & Jacob (twins)

Micah is also the punter!

Micah's interception! (He has had 4 so far this year!)

He is a sophomore this year. He plays quarterback, safety, punter, and slot receiver. His favorite is safety because then he gets to play receiver as well!

Oh, and did I mention the PGHS Viking Sophomore team is undefeated? Yep, they are 4-0!

Yes, I'm ready for some football!
--and I'm a very proud Mama Jones!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Engagement Photo Shoot

I had the fun opportunity to do an engagement photo shoot for my wonderful daughter! Do you like these? Which is your favorite?

Ok, so I'm a sucker for shoes!

& I love to play with the color!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Strawberry Days!

Every June, our wonderful little city holds a huge, city-wide celebration:

Strawberry Days.

Pleasant Grove has been celebrating this for like 100 years.

Here is just a short list of what I LOVE about this celebration:

1. Block Party! This has to be what I love most. The Chipman Family has been holding this for over 30 years. Hundreds of people show up for an evening of yummy food, a live DJ, dancing, visiting, and fun. Kids of all ages can't wait for this party to come around every year!

2. Parade! Everyone loves a parade, right?! Between cool floats and numerous entries of cheerleading squads--this has to be a hometown favorite!

3. Carnival! Fun for kids of all ages--love that the city closes off a main street for this!

Micah & Nick at the Block Party this year.

Have I mentioned how much I love Pleasant Grove?!

Happy Strawberry Days!

Friday, May 13, 2011

I Wish We Could Solve This!

**Note: Names have been changed

The anthropologist in me has been mulling over what I consider to be a huge social issue--immigration. Several things contribute to why I have the opinion that I do--among these:
*Being raised by a Mom who truly loved everyone
*Close friends of all races
*My belief that God loves ALL of us--no matter skin color, ethnicity, gender, etc.

Hoping that my brief description (above) is helpful in understanding my I go!

There is no easy answer to the issue of immigration. Unfortunately, there are several countries where corruption is the norm and citizens are persecuted for their beliefs, ethnicity, gender, etc. and where they just do not feel safe. I know if my family was in danger, I would do anything to ensure their safety. Thousands of families every year do just that. America. So many freedoms: free to worship, free to earn a living, free to feel safe, free to get an education...I could go on. My ancestors came to America for those freedoms. They passed through Ellis Island with thousands of immigrants. They had to learn a new language, culture, and in many cases, a new vocation. Oh wait, almost ALL of us "caucasion" folks came to America this way. Ok, that's a post for another day.

I personally know familes that have had to flee to America for safety, literally for their lives! How do we send them back? How do we close the door to those who need US so desperately? I do realize, too, that not all who to flee to America do so for noble reasons. Many come to exploit the 'system' or with the intention of taking advantage of all they can--there are people like that everywhere, and every color!

How do we take this disfunctional system and fix it? How do we address those who need US so desperately and wish to learn, work hard, and contribute? How do we tell a US born child, whose parents came to America illegally that he is not entitled to education? Do we not compound the problem when we fail to educate?

We are all guilty of sterotyping. What a horrible thing. We sterotype all races, cultures, and genders. But what about Jose** who is turning 16 but cannot get a driver's license because his visa expires soon at which time he will be illegal. Nevermind that he is an honor roll student at school, active in his church, and a terrific example to his peers. Do any of us bother to find out why he and his family are here? Well, let me tell you. His family was very successful before they came here. His father owned several businesses. Because of the corruption in their community, it became very unsafe. His parents feared for the safety of their family. They gave up all their success, their businesses, their fine home, etc. to come here and feel safe! I have never met a more loving and giving family. What fine examples they are!

Or what about Elena** who came with her family to America illegally. They, too, gave up everything to come here and have nothing but these freedoms. She is a high school student who works hard in school and to perfect her English. Her father was a doctor in his native country. They had a fine life complete with private schools, lots of family and friends, and a country and culture they love. The fled to America after Elena's grandfather was kidnapped and tortured to death. They will most certainly face the same if forced to return. Yet they fear daily that they could be forced to leave the safety of their adopted home. Remember her father was a doctor--because his medical credentials are not recognized in this country, he now works as a car salesman . But he does so willingly because here his family is safe. This family works diligently to perfect their English. They contribute to their neighborhood, church, and community. I have never met a more charitable or Christ-like family. How do we send them back? Why would we want to?

So, what is the answer? I have no idea. There MUST be a way to allow the folks like those I've mentioned to stay and have the basic freedoms we take for granted daily. Certainly we have room in our country and in our hearts for all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Really Need Some Sunshine!

Oh SUNSHINE! long lost friend! You have been hiding from me this spring. I have looked and looked--but can only find you for moments at a time.

Things seem so gloomy without you, so dark, so grumpy, so sad. I need happy, I need bright, I need warmth, I need sunglasses, I need sunblock! Oh how I am ready for you--please come visit...and stay a long, long time!!

--Luv, Mama Jones

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bi-Polar Observations

It seems that there are several things today that I would classify as bi-polar.

First of all, BYU basketball team. They played so amazing yesterday--I mean Mr. Jimmer got 52 points after all! They OWNED the game, the floor, the Thomas & Mack Center....all of it! They beat a team we haven't beat in like 3 of the last times we played them. Then today, Mr. Jimmer wasn't quite as hot. As amazing as they were last night, tonight was the polar opposite. We lost to a team we beat twice this season. Bi-polar basketball boys!

Next we have the weather today. It was cloudy this morning, a bit breezy, and kind of on the cold side. Then this afternoon we had the most beautiful sunshine. I sat in my porch swing--well, it's a swing but not on the porch...anyhow--with my sweet soul sister, Dena and we visited, laughed, complained, solved the world's problems, donned sunglasses, and pretended it was summertime. My nose even got a little pink! Then a few hours later...BAM, thunder, lightning, hail, and rain! Bi-polar Utah weather!

Then there are my legs. may say. Well, let me explain. While I move, my legs are fine. But if I sit down, try to watch relax, work at a desk, etc., they go NUTS! Micah and I worked for a few hours in the yard. We raked, gathered up piles of branches, old leaves, and the recently pruned rosebush mess--and hauled them to the 'burn' pile. Not once did my legs give me fits. But when I quit the physical activity and tried to watch the aforementioned bi-polar basketball game, my legs wanted to jump out of my skin! Bi-polar jumpy legs!

Life is just bi-polar!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Gnome for the Home!

Today I bought Lyndsie a Gnome! It was the most fun thing I have done in a very, very long time!

On another note, I totally need to vent:

1. A lady told our cashier at work that her son was 'climbing on the bookcase and it fell on him'. She then suggested we bolt it down so that doesn't happen again. REALLY LADY? What the heck was your son doing climbing on a bookcase, and why were you not watching him?!

2. Why is it so hard for the world to believe that there are actually places and people who still believe in values such as integrity and virtue?

Ok, I feel much better! Thanks for listening.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Teach Me How To Jimmer...

Yep, I'm hooked! This kid is absolutely amazing and so very fun to watch!

I LOVE that we beat San Diego State! Go Cougars!

Friday, February 18, 2011

My brain is too full

Spinning, spinning, spinning.....
There is just too much on my mind today. My brain is convoluted and feels like my thoughts are spinning around and around. In no particular order, I am attempting to give voice to my thoughts so my brain does not make me dizzy anymore.

1. Anyone have a milestone for the father of a very talented group of siblings that happen to play the piano?
2. What is a milestone?

3. M's shoulder is healing much faster this time. I'm so glad--football is coming!

4. I love being a gramma. "Mammie" is the best name ever, and baby E is wonderful!

5. My kids are down-right AMAZING! I cannot believe the great choices they have made in their lives--in spite of my shortcomings!

Lyndsie doing the 'Little House on the Prarie" run down the hill!

6. Will I ever get my office cleaned out?

7. Fix the dishwasher or buy a new one?

8. Water heater...hmm, what to do...

9. Would really like to lose 15 lbs, but I really LOVE to eat.

10. I HATE dog hair but LOVE my dogs...conundrum?

11. Should be caught up at work within 1 week!

Sweet baby eyes!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

April in July!

This is the beautiful April!

This is when Ian met April--in Nauvoo as YPM's (Young Performing Missionaries).

This is Ian and April now!

This is what they are going to do in July!

This is where!

Our family is growing!
We are getting April in July and we couldn't be happier!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Sabbath Bowl

I was cheering for these guys....

to win this...

and they did!

What a totally fun day! I made lots of food, Moo had friends over, and my entire family came over! I love any excuse to have food and family--and I love football, so it was a
day for me! Way to go,


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Pleasant Grove High School has the most amazing Drama Department!
Tomorrow night they will premier "Phantom of the Opera".
I high school doing Phantom--you may ask.
Stewart Shelley and his magical drama crew can do anything!
Want to see a high quality major production? Come see this show!

Personally, I cannot wait!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One of My Favorites!

You know you are from Pleasant Grove if you hang out here!

I LOVE Taco Amigo. We locals call it TA--everyone from PG knows what TA means.
They have yummy burritos. I order mine with extra hot sauce and extra cheese. Their cheeseburgers are also very lovely. Their shakes are stupendous. My favorite drink is a large diet coke with cherry, with LOTS of pebble ice. Yes, TA is responsible for my addiction to pebble ice.
But the BEST thing by far are the french fries--
I like mine with tons and tons of salt!

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Last Teen Driver

I am taking Moo to the DMV to take the test for his Driver's Permit. This whole process totally confuses me. First, the kids have to have a Driver's Permit for 6 months BEFORE they can get a Driver's License. While this makes sense to me (practice makes perfect), what I don't understand is why they get this permit BEFORE they take any Driver's Training classes. So, have them pass a written test and then they can legally drive with absolutely NO experience.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh My Aching Body!

My body is rebelling.
Every muscle in my body has been aching constantly for two days.
I used to be able to handle stress much better in my youth.
I feel like the lady in the cartoon looks.
Maybe if I swallow a fly I will feel better!
Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Daddy is 80!

This is my daddy. He is 80 years old today. He still takes care of me. I LOVE HIM!
Sadly, this is what is left of our family of 6. Mom and Essa live together in heaven and we miss them every day. But for now, BD Bum, Johnny Cake, Papa, and Me together is ok.

Happy, happy birthday, Daddy Dear!

P.S. We are throwing you a surprise 80th birthday Open House tonight, and since you refuse to blog, or Facebook, or anything like know nothing about it and will still be surprised, even after this post!

Oh, and since you made us promise NOT to do anything for your birthday....and we did anyway, you won't be mad because Bryan is secretly flying in from Hawaii! He is our secret weapon!

Love ya, Papa!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

People, Discipline Your Kids!

I freely admit that I am not the perfect mother, but really? I cannot believe the lack of parental discipline I see DAILY! I work in a public place, a Museum to be exact. Can you believe people let their kids RUN through the Museum, SCREAM at each other and their parents, STAND and WALK all over the upholstered benches? Honestly I see this ALL the time and it makes me crazy. Yesterday, however, totally shocked me. I was in the ladies' room safely tucked into a stall, when a little girl got on the floor and looked under my stall---about 3 times! (Her Mom was busy in her own stall.) Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt (that this little girl simply didn't know any better), as I left the stall and continued to the sink, I kindly said to the little girl, "You're not suppose to look under the stalls at other people, it's not polite". So, if you were that girl's mom still in your own stall, what would you do? Well, she did exactly what I see everyday....absolutely NOTHING!

Parents of today, you do your children NO favors by not disciplining them! Children need to be taught, and then they need to be taught consequences and consistency. I know it's hard, I know sometimes it feels like a battle--but you can either fight that battle when they are young, or when they are teenagers--you choose. Don't even get me started on the way children are allowed to talk to their parents!

The lack of parental discipline that I see daily,

Feel strongly about this
do I?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Have a Follower!

May I just say that I am so happy that I have ONE follower!!
Thanks, Louise!
Luv, Mom

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hang in There!

Secretly, I hate that phrase..."Hang in there"...
NO! I don't want to 'hang in there' anymore!
I'm tired, I'm discouraged, I've been hanging in there for what seems like an eternity and I'm done.
Then that little tantrum of a feeling disipates a bit and I realize that not only do I tell people this all the time, but that hanging in there is the purpose and the secret to life. We learn, we grow. There are so many things about our lives that we can NOT control. So, change the things that CAN be changed, and CHOOSE your attitude with the things you cannot change.
and hey...Hang in there!
(still hate that phrase)
P.S. I really love that cute kid whose life size shape is hanging out in the picture!
-Mama Jones

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bucket List

Most of the blogs that I follow, the clever author posts a "Bucket List". Over the last few months I have been thinking what I would put on my "Bucket List". Here's where I need help. I have questions about such a list.

1. Can said Bucket List contain things I really want to do but cannot physically accomplish?

2. Do I fail if I list an item that falls under the cannot physically accomplish category on my Bucket List?

3. Am I overthinking this? most likely yes.

What should be on my Bucket List?

Monday, January 10, 2011

And So I Begin....

If I could create a world, it would have snow in December only, and be warm/hot the rest of the year. Also, I would live exactly where I live right now, except the beach would be in my backyard!

Because I feel the need to say some things, (see random subject and picture above) and put them out there in cyper-space...and because I feel like joining almost EVERYONE in the world,
I have started my very own blog!

Randomness updated as often as I feel like it!
Ta Ta!
-Mama Jones