Friday, June 17, 2011

Strawberry Days!

Every June, our wonderful little city holds a huge, city-wide celebration:

Strawberry Days.

Pleasant Grove has been celebrating this for like 100 years.

Here is just a short list of what I LOVE about this celebration:

1. Block Party! This has to be what I love most. The Chipman Family has been holding this for over 30 years. Hundreds of people show up for an evening of yummy food, a live DJ, dancing, visiting, and fun. Kids of all ages can't wait for this party to come around every year!

2. Parade! Everyone loves a parade, right?! Between cool floats and numerous entries of cheerleading squads--this has to be a hometown favorite!

3. Carnival! Fun for kids of all ages--love that the city closes off a main street for this!

Micah & Nick at the Block Party this year.

Have I mentioned how much I love Pleasant Grove?!

Happy Strawberry Days!